My Commitment to You

I believe that mind and body are connected and there is no ‘one approach fits all’ solution to therapy.  This is why I use a range of techniques to help you achieve your wellness goals.

Together we can evaluate areas of importance for your mental, physical, social, relational, and spiritual wellbeing.

My aim is to teach you how to connect to your inner tuition and resources to heal your body and mind.

My Commitment to You

I believe that mind and body are connected and there is no ‘one approach fits all’ solution to therapy.  This is why I use a range of techniques to help you achieve your wellness goals.

Together we can evaluate areas of importance for your mental, physical, social, relational, and spiritual wellbeing.

My aim is to teach you how to connect to your inner tuition and resources to heal your body and mind.

Welcome to Torus Wellbeing Clinic

Torus Wellbeing Clinic is a private health clinic that aims to offer holistic services to support individuals to regain or maintain their health and to foster wellbeing.

Sign up to my newsletter, learn about my range of services and get in touch today.


My commitment to you

My vision, is for you to realise your inherent freedom. To bring about this vision I will educate you and ignite an embodied experience of inner resource and wellbeing which in-turn facilitates the potential of the same for those you meet.  I will evaluate outcomes of importance for you in the areas of mental, physical, social/ relational, and spiritual wellbeing, and measure changes.

My core values in relation to you

  • I put you at the heart of everything we do.
  • I believe that self-care is a way of life to be embodied and will help you experience this for yourself.
  • I help you foster wellbeing to build resilience.

My commitment to you

My vision, is for you to realise your inherent freedom. To bring about this vision I will educate you and ignite an embodied experience of inner resource and wellbeing which in-turn facilitates the potential of the same for those you meet.  I will evaluate outcomes of importance for you in the areas of mental, physical, social/ relational, and spiritual wellbeing, and measure changes.

My core values in relation to you

  • I put you at the heart of everything we do.
  • I believe that self-care is a way of life to be embodied and will help you experience this for yourself.
  • I help you foster wellbeing to build resilience.

My core values in relation to Organisations and professionals I work with

  • I put the client at the heart of everything I do
  • I value collaborative working practices and building well-balanced relationships
  • I value integrative health and opportunities to work collaboratively in a wider sense to support an individual

My core values in relation to Organisations and professionals I work with

  • I put the client at the heart of everything I do
  • I value collaborative working practices and building well-balanced relationships
  • I value integrative health and opportunities to work collaboratively in a wider sense to support an individual